While not a Seanchai Library Project, strictly speaking, there will be lots of familiar faces from Seanchai to be found at The Dickens Project, opening today and free to SL Residents to explore through December 27th with a full schedule of live voice presentations.

The Dickens Project is a benefit for Seanchai's home estate, The Community Virtual Library.  Managed by StoryFest Events (StoryFest, Bard on the Virtual Beach, BOOFest) and features a two level street environment chocked full of "clickables", photo ops (not to mention the Gracee Andel Memorial "I can spit on you from here" walkways) and links to online information about the works of beloved Nineteenth Century author Charles Dickens, the anniversary of whose birth has been celebrated around the world this year.

DON'T STOP coming to the Stories at Seanchai, but like everything else for the holidays, The Dickens Project is a little something extra. Check out the StoryFest Blog for information on the upcoming schedule.

Also check out these great posts from Inara Pey, and the SL Enquirer.

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